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Romans 8:17-39

More Than Conquerors

In Romans 8:17-39 we see that our present sufferings cannot compare to the glory that awaits us as God's children.

What’s Happening?

The apostle Paul has just given followers of Jesus a string of amazing promises. There is no guilt or condemnation for Christians. They are free from Sin and Death and have been transferred to a kingdom of life by God’s Spirit. Anyone who believes in Jesus has been made God’s son or daughter and will live with him forever (Romans 8:1-16). However, Paul also says that all God’s sons and daughters will suffer, just as Jesus has (Romans 8:17). This might seem like a contradiction. How can those who have been made sons and daughters forever and freed from death still die? 

Paul answers this difficult question by comparing suffering to the glorious future secured for all followers of Jesus by his resurrection. One day, humanity will be rescued from its corrupted state, and our bodies will live forever. Paul even says that creation anticipates and is eagerly waiting to see this coming glory (Romans 8:18-19). Just like humans, our Earth is decaying and dying. All creation knows that without God’s intervention, it will inevitably spiral into chaos. Like a mother waiting to give birth to new life, the earth groans for the day God’s children will receive their eternal life in a redeemed body that will never suffer but live with its Creator and Father forever (Romans 8:19-23). While it might seem like a contradiction that sons and daughters of God will suffer and die, it’s not. Our present suffering is nothing compared to the reality of eternal life in redeemed bodies on a restored earth (Romans 8:24-25).

In addition to this promised future, Paul says the Holy Spirit helps us when we suffer. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead also prays on behalf of all suffering followers of Jesus. And since the Spirit perfectly knows God’s intentions for his sons and daughters, we can be guaranteed that the Spirit’s prayers for endurance, redemption, and resurrection will be answered (Romans 8:26-27). And since God has the power to do everything he has promised, we can know that God will orchestrate all things, even our suffering, for our good. By God’s power, we will experience God’s power, glory, and resurrection life forever (Romans 8:28-30).

Where is the Gospel?

Often, we think suffering is an interruption in God’s plan and inconsistent with who we think God is. But if it’s true that Jesus has risen from the dead, suffering is no threat to God’s promises. When God gave up his firstborn son Jesus, God was demonstrating that there was no cost he was unwilling to pay for his promises to come true for his other sons and daughters (Romans 8:31-32). As Paul says: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” If God has declared us to be his children, if Jesus has risen from the dead, and if the Holy Spirit is praying for us, then nothing can prevent us from experiencing our Father’s eternal love and life (Romans 8:33-35). While the prospect of suffering is daunting, Paul says that there is no suffering that is stronger than God’s power. Neither demons nor angels, no power past or present, not even death, can separate us from the love of our Father and his intention to resurrect all those who suffer in hope (Romans 8:36-39). 

God has a future inheritance of eternal life, resurrection power, and fatherly love planned for all his sons and daughters. But like all inheritances, we must wait to receive it. And we should expect suffering, opposition, and even death. But we don’t have to be scared of any of those things. Our future is certain. The Holy Spirit is praying on our behalf. Jesus has died and risen. And God himself is planning for our resurrection. 

See for Yourself

I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see the God who is our Father. And may you see Jesus as the one whose death and resurrection promise our own eternal life with God.

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