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Romans 1:1-17

The Global Gospel

In Romans 1:1-17 we see that in Jesus' victory over death, a new global King has been crowned, and all people can join his eternal Kingdom by faith.

What’s Happening?

The apostle Paul has spent the last 20 years preaching throughout Asia and the eastern parts of the Roman empire. He’s now on his way to Spain and plans to make a stop in Rome (Romans 15:23-24). Rome was the center of the Roman Empire’s global power. Recently, the emperor Claudius had exiled all Jews from his capital, likely over riots about Jesus, only to reverse the decision a few years later (Acts 18:1-2). As a result, the relationship between Jewish and non-Jewish (or Gentile) followers of Jesus in Rome was complicated. But as a Jew who has ministered among Gentiles for decades, Paul looks forward to addressing any tensions both in his letter and when he finally arrives in person (Romans 1:14-15).

In the very first sentences of the letter, Paul introduces himself as a messenger of the good news spoken about in the Old Testament. Namely, that the eternal Kingdom God promised Israel’s king, David, had arrived (2 Samuel 7). Not only had a son of Israel’s King David finally been born, but he also died, rose from the dead, and is currently on a throne above all empires and nations (Romans 1:1-4). This King’s name is Jesus, and he personally commissioned Paul to spread the good news of the ascension of Israel’s king to the non-Jewish world (Romans 1:5-7). Rome and Spain represent the frontiers of the Gentile world, and Paul is excited to visit and anticipates a warm welcome (Romans 1:8-13). 

Paul then offers a summary of what his whole letter will be about—the Gospel. The phrase “gospel” is a Roman word used when announcing the birth, reign, and victories of emperors. But for Paul, the Gospel was that in King Jesus’ victory over death, a new global King had been crowned, and all people, whether Jew or Gentile, could join his eternal Kingdom (Romans 1:16-17). Specifically, Paul says that in Jesus' death and resurrection, the “righteousness of God is revealed.” The phrase “righteousness of God” in the Hebrew Bible refers to God rescuing his people, righting wrongs, defeating evil, and establishing a kingdom of justice and equity for his people (Psalm 98:2, Isaiah 51:5-8). Jews had waited centuries for the arrival of this Kingdom, and many thought the only way to be included in it was to be Jewish. However, Paul says that faith is what allows all people to experience Jesus’ Gospel. God’s resurrection power, rescue from death, and his Kingdom are available to everyone who, by faith, acknowledges that Jesus has risen from the dead and is King over all other kings and rulers (Romans 3:22-24).

Where is the Gospel?

Later in his letter, Paul will explore all of the issues he’s just raised in more detail. For now, he simply explains that in Jesus, the long-awaited son of David, the hope of the Old Testament has come true. God’s eternal Kingdom of justice and righteousness is finally being established on the earth. It’s significant that Paul’s letter is being sent to Rome. Rome was the superpower of his day and subjugated the world through violence and death. Perhaps more pointedly, it was Roman soldiers who tortured and executed Jesus (Matthew 27:27-30). But Paul is clear that Rome’s power was no match for God. Jesus has risen from the dead and now reigns as the King of the World (Matthew 28:5-7,18). God’s Kingdom has begun. His righteousness and rescue are available to all. Soon, all wrongs will be righted, evil will be defeated, and God’s Kingdom of justice and righteousness will be established forever.

The good news that Paul preached to Roman Christians thousands of years ago is the same good news we need now. Countries around the world are plagued by corrupt empires, inevitable death, and evil leaders. Nevertheless, Jesus has risen from the dead. Jesus has proven himself greater and more powerful than legislative bodies and bodily death. And if we bow in recognition that he is the true King of the earth who has risen from the dead, we will join in his victory over the powers of this world and enter his eternal Kingdom (Romans 10:9).

See for Yourself

I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see the God who has fulfilled the hopes of the Hebrew Bible. And may you see Jesus as the one who invites both Jews and non-Jews into his eternal kingdom. 

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