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The Lord Reigns
In Psalm 97, we see that Jesus deserves worship from both the Israelites and the whole world.

What’s Happening?
Psalm 97 celebrates that Israel’s God is more real and powerful than any other nation’s god (Psalm 97:1). No other nation’s gods revealed themselves the way God revealed himself to the people of Israel. On Mount Sinai, God appeared in a deafening thundercloud that enveloped the peak in darkness, fired lightning in all directions, and violently shook the mountain (Exodus 19:16; Psalm 97:2-5). No other nation’s god can move mountains or command lightning to strike, but the God of Israel can (Psalm 97:3-4). Not only this but every star in the night sky is placed there by his hand. Every night, the world basks under the glow of God’s unique power (Psalm 97:6). The gods and those who worship them are put to shame by Israel’s God, who is more real and powerful than any other so-called deity (Psalm 97:7).
So, in light of God’s power over the false gods of other nations, God’s people can rejoice. God’s protection and care for his people can never be undone by the ungods of the world around them (Psalm 97:8-10). While God’s lightning strikes terror in the hearts of his enemies, God’s light is a gentle reminder of God’s justice and equity towards his people. God’s people can rejoice in peace that their very real and powerful God has secured a life of joy and justice for them (Psalm 97:11-12).
Where is the Gospel?
Israel’s real and powerful God revealed himself to his people many times throughout their history. But God demonstrated his existence and power most dramatically when God became a human named Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-3; John 1:14). With many miracles, he showed his power over storms, diseases, and spiritual powers (Mark 4:37-39, 5:25-29, 9:25-27). As God did on Sinai, Jesus displayed his divine power on a mountain. His face blazed like lightning, and a storm enveloped him (Matthew 17:1-2; Luke 9:29). But Jesus’ most incredible display of power was three days after he died (Mark 10:33-34). Jesus rose from the dead, putting all other deities and idols to shame (Colossians 2:15). Jesus is God of both the dead and the living. He guarantees resurrection life for all who leave their idols to worship him (John 10:10). Jesus is more powerful and real than any other God, so we should celebrate his resurrection and worship him.
Jesus deserves worship not just from the Israelites but from the whole world. All nations are invited to give up their idols and acknowledge God has revealed himself in Jesus. Anyone who turns from their idols to Jesus will be welcomed into his eternal kingdom of joy and justice forever (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10).
See for Yourself
I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see the God who is far superior to any so-called god. And may you see Jesus as the one who triumphed over all lesser powers and is worthy of your worship.