How is every page of the Bible about Jesus?
When we encounter Jesus through Scripture, our lives are transformed.
Every page of the Bible reveals Jesus—not as a collection of ancient stories, but as the living, breathing revelation of God’s redemptive plan. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture doesn’t just present isolated events or moral lessons. Instead, it unfolds a singular narrative that points directly to Jesus Christ. Every command, every prophecy, and every story is an opportunity to behold and worship Jesus. When we open the Bible, we are not simply reading about long-past events. We are stepping into a divine story that shows us Jesus—alive and at work.
This Christ-centered vision isn’t just one way of interpreting the Bible; it’s the very heartbeat of how God reveals Himself to us. Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me," (John 5:39). We are not Bible worshippers, we are Jesus worshippers. The entirety of God’s Word finds its meaning and power in him. And when we encounter Jesus through Scripture, our lives are transformed. We begin to see God differently, understand our own purpose more clearly, and experience his love and grace more deeply.
The Bible as Revelation: God Revealed in Jesus
The Bible is not just a manual for behavior or theology—it is a divine revelation of God himself. The ultimate revelation of who God is is found in Jesus himself. Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3). If we want to know God, we look at Jesus. And a primary way we encounter Jesus is through the pages of Scripture.
Jesus, our Rabbi, taught his disciples, including us, to read the Bible this way. One of the clearest examples of this is found in Luke 24. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to two of his disciples as they walked along the road, disheartened by his death. They didn’t recognize him, but Jesus began to show them how all of Scripture pointed to his life, death, and resurrection. He gave them the ultimate Bible study, walking them through the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets, and showing how every part of it was about him.
This is the key to understanding the Bible. Every story in the Old Testament anticipates Jesus, while the New Testament celebrates how he fulfilled those promises. When we read the story of Abraham, we’re not just seeing an example of faith, but a foreshadowing of God’s ultimate plan to bless the nations through Jesus. When we read about the sacrificial system in Leviticus, we don’t just see rituals, but the picture of Jesus as the perfect Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.
Transformed by Encountering Jesus
At Spoken Gospel, we hold to a Christ-centered hermeneutic, which means that we interpret all of Scripture through the lens of Jesus. We hold this conviction, not only because it’s the truest way to read Scripture, but because it is the truest way to be transformed. When we approach Scripture with this Christ-centered lens, something powerful happens: we encounter Jesus, and we are changed.
Just as Moses’ face radiated with the glory of God after seeing Him, we are transformed as we behold the glory of Jesus in Scripture. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “We all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory.”
As we see Jesus in the pages of Scripture, the Holy Spirit works in us to make us more like him. This is not just intellectual knowledge—it is a deep, inward transformation that shapes how we think, feel, and act.
Join Us in Revealing Jesus
At Spoken Gospel, our mission is to help people see Jesus in every part of the Bible. Over the last five years, our free resources have been used by millions, showing how every corner of Scripture points to the good news of Jesus. But the need is still great. Millions around the world have yet to encounter the life-changing message of Jesus, and many Christians still struggle to see how the Bible connects to their daily lives.
That’s why we invite you to partner with us in this mission. Together, we can help more people encounter Jesus in the Bible and experience the transformative power of his love. Will you join us?
Become a monthly donor today, and help reveal Jesus to the world—on every page of Scripture.