Giving as a Way to Share Your FaithGiving as a Way to Share Your Faith

Giving as a Way to Share Your Faith

How giving is a form of evangelism

It’s hard to share our belief in Jesus, and anxiety, a lack of knowledge, indifference, and our Christian bubbles can make it even harder. But for the moments that it feels difficult to articulate our faith clearly, the Bible offers us another way to reach those far from God—by giving. 

In the years just after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Bible teachers started traveling throughout the Roman Empire and showing how the Hebrew Bible was all about Jesus. These teachers relied on the hospitality and financial support of local believers to carry out their work. The apostle John tells us that when Christians support those who are already sharing the Gospel, they actually become partners with them. 

"We ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth." - 3 John 8 ESV

When believers financially support those who explain how the Bible is about Jesus, it’s a way to directly engage in the work of preaching the Gospel. By providing financial support to those who are already sharing the good news about Jesus, you become an active coworker with them!

All Christians should share their faith with those around them. But giving generously towards those whose full-time job is to preach the Gospel extends your reach far beyond your immediate family and friends. 

There are many great Gospel-proclaiming organizations and missionaries you can support. And you should always pray about who to support. So we ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting Spoken Gospel in our mission to explain the Bible and show how every part of it is about the good news of Jesus. We are 100% dependent on the generosity of fellow workers like you. With each donation and each act of support, you become a coworker in our mission to spread the good news of Jesus. 

Together, as fellow workers, we can preach the Gospel to more people in places farther away than any of us could alone. Please consider partnering with us in sharing the good news of Jesus around the world.

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